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Monday, November 25, 2013

Linux: netstat command

netstat (network statistics) is a command used for monitoring network connections (incoming & outgoing) as well as viewing routing tables, interface statistics etc. netstat is available on all Unix-like Operating Systems and also available on Windows operating system.

a. Useful in terms of network troubleshooting (traffic, ports, network connections), networking statistics and performance measurement.
b. netstat is one of the most basic network service debugging tools, telling you what ports are open and whether any programs are listening on ports.
c. provide detailed information about how a computer is communicating with other computers or network devices.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grant Users Access to your Outlook Calendar

Outlook Calendar -  a very powerful tool to manage your emails, appointments, meetings, calendars, notes, contacts etc. Everyone has used the Outlook product of Microsoft, which has really made our lives easy. We all know that we can schedule our appointments and send meeting invitations in Outlook calendar but today we are going to reveal another trick to grant user access to our calendar so that other person (having permission) can edit our calendar. You must open Microsoft Outlook to perform the steps below: