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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

NSClient - ERROR: Could not get data for 5 perhaps we don't collect data this far back?

Error : NSClient - ERROR: Could not get data for 5 perhaps we don't collect data this far back? 
This is the error I received a notification from my monitoring tool Nagios for a host against CPU Usage, which is quite annoying to deal with. I made some research around it and finally got a solution to fix this issue.

Explanation: This issue is around the performance counter of the server. Somehow Nagios is not able to read those performance counter.

Solution: To fix this issue, we need to make the performance counter readable by Nagios. But we don't have any handy option to do this. So to achieve this thing, we need to rebuild the performance counters on the server, by running the following command:

   lodctr /R

After running this command, we need to restart the NSClient++ service and the issue is fixed. :)

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