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Friday, December 14, 2012

Sending E-mails with attachments

Sending E-mails with attachments
After hours of searching for sending emails with attachment, my search results in below solution.
For sending emails with attachments, we can use ZEND library, but it make no sense for me to use such a big library just for sending email. Here is simple solution for this problem with couple of simple lines.


    $to = 'gaurav81083@gmail.com'
    $from = 'gaurav81083@gmail.com';
    $subject = "Mail Subject";    
    $message = "Mail message goes here.";    
    $attachment = array();
    $attachment[] = array(
      'path' => 'complete_file_path/attachment.pdf',
      'filename' => 'attachment.pdf',
      'type' => 'application/pdf',
    $email = new AttachmentEmail($to, $from, $subject, $message, $attachment);

The class file (attachment_email.php) can be found here. Just download the file and enjoy your emails with attachments. :)

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