a. Command Line Interface (CLI)
b. Graphical User Interface (GUI)
In Command Line Interface, we generally use commands. Here is a collection of basic linux commands.
Basic Linux Commands for Developers
ls -l for listing the files as well as directories those are kept in the particular working directory syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ ls -l
ls -la same as 'ls -l'but by this command we can also see the hiden files.
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ ls -la
ls -li same as 'ls -la' but it will also shows us the inode number of each and every file
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ ls -li
ls by this command we can see only file name nothing else
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ ls
clear it will clear the screen(short cut ctl+l)
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ clear
exit to end a current session as well current terminal logging
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ exit
touch to create a new empty file
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ touch
cd to change the working/present directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ cd /home/mango where '/home/mango' is the desired directory to be change from '/root'
cat to view the contents of a file and it is also used for creating a new file with some contents syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ cat
mkdir to make a new directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ mkdir newdirname
you can also create a directory at your desired path without changing your present working directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ mkdir /home/mango/newdirname
rm to remove a empty file
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rm filename
rmdir to remove a empty directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rmdir directoryname
rm [-i/-r/-f] to remove a directory with its subdirectories as well as its files that is to remove a directory which already contains some files in it
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rm -i directory/filename -i stands for interactively -r stands for recursively -f stands for forcefully
cp to copy something in a destination file or directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ cp sourcepath destinationpath example: [gaurav@localhost ~] $ cp /home/mango/webmin.rpm /root/abcd in this example the webmin.rpm file will be copied in /root/abcd directory
mv to move one file or directory from one place to another place, it is also used for renaming adirectory or file.
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ mv source destination [gaurav@localhost ~] $ mv oldfilename newfilename [to change the file name]
man to view the mannual page of commands for syntax
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ man commandname
info to view the information about any command
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ mkdir info
--help to view the help documents of a command
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ commandname --help
dir to view the subdirectories and files under the directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ dir
who by this command you can see the user name and their ip addresses who have loged in on your server syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ who
whoami this command shows your current logged in terminal user name
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ whoami
who am i this command shows you the logged in terminal number and user name and more detailed information
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ who am i
pwd to view the present working directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ pwd
rpm -ivh to intall a rpm package
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rpm -ivh packagename.rpm rpm stands for 'redhat package manager' -i stands for install -v stands for verbose mode -h stands for with hash sign(#)
rpm -q to querry about any rpm package
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rpm -q packagename
rpm -e to uninstall a rpm package
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ rpm -e package
find / -name to find any file or directory in linux file system
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ find / -name filename
su username to switch from one user to another users home directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ su mango output will be [mango@nettech root]#cd [mango@nettech mango]#
su - username to switch from one user to another user users home directory directly
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ su - mango
useradd to create a new user
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ useradd username
passwd to give a password of a user
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ passwd tarun output will be give a password for user tarun:(here you have to type a password for tarun user) confirm password:(again type the same password)
userdel to remove a user from linux
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ userdel tarun
groupadd to add a new group
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ groupadd groupname
gruopdel to delete a group
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ groupdel groupname
chown to change the ownership of a file or directory
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ chown ownername filename
chgrp to change the group ownership of a file or directory
syntax [root@nettec root]#chgrp newgroupownername filename
usermod to modify the user profile
syntax [gaurav@localhost ~] $ usermod -parameter groupname username
Nice collection of basic commands.